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Monday, December 28, 2009

I believe or Happy Newyear

I celebrated christmas in style. Just wrote two poems about christ. Watched the movie taxi driver in my friend's laptop.Me,papa and mummy had lunch together.After all I think christmas is all about joining together.This time my brother was not in the home.He just completed his Diploma in Nursing and now in Bidar to collect his certificates.He asked me to prepare a crib, which we always do in christmas, but I declined. For me getting his certificate is more important than celebrating christmas.
I long felt that I am always at the receiving end of grief so I can't celebrate any of the festivals. Some days I may feel that I have talent and I will do something remarkable in my life.But then I realise that there is nothing in me and I am nothing and will remain so. Like my friend faisal told other day that I am full of dreams. It's true and it is the fact that I am full of dreams.Since I am full of dreams the pain I suffer is more than anyone.
In this christmas I prayed alot to get over from all these grief and frustrations. Before christmas I wrote one piece about my life-It is like this: It is a story, but in other words it is not a story. It is a chapter of my life. My life don't have so many chapters. I don't have so many memories too, only a fistful of memories. That too bad even more bad. I was always ambitious. Dreaming is the only remedy to my problems, I always believed. During my school day's also I was a big dreamer. Dreams in my view would alleviate our pain. It will give us strength to go beyond all odds. Actually I started dreaming even before APJ Abdul Kalam urged us to dream big. Always my situations were my enemies. They always stood against me and made me cry. Only I was there to cry for me.
I hope this christmas would bring me much happiness-Late christmas wishes to you all
May God bless you, May this season brings you and your family all happiness
We are heading towards a brand new life in 2010. Atleast I hope so. For me years are just numbers.The just pass through.I always believed in hard work. But there is not much success which urged me to work hard. I always believed that hard work would follow success but I can't taste the beauty of this sentence in my life. I quote frost'I have miles to go before I sleep, I have promises to keep'. Promises more of them are to myslef. I my 25 years in this earth I have lied somany times to myself. I pretended as a winner but I was not. I stood up with head high but only the silence of air was around me. Wind clapped for me. Trees waved their heads. No sparrow cried for me. Now I have reached before the doors of 2010. Beginning of the end of another decade. I have my dreams with me. Dream to become a famous writer. Dream to become a documentary director. Dream to become a famous blogger. Dream to become a successful man. Every new year I wish the same. But my wishes would become nothing and I will end up in sorrow.I wanted to publish my book.
You may think these things as stupid. But believe me it is not like that.
It is another chapter of my life. This is the postmortem of my 25 years and still also I am dreaming.I believe in the beauty of my dreams. Recently I saw the movie of will smith-The pursuit of Happyness. I liked it very much. I was always an admirer of good dialogues. I took them down in my small diary. I the movie there is a dialogue fraction which says happyness can only pursue....I liked the sentence because it's my opinion.
I am sorry, my intention was not to annoy you but wishing you a Happy and prosperous newyear. Just pursue your dreams.One day or other they will stand befor you as a real incident and smile at you till that moment don't stop working.Don't worry about me....I will just go through.
Wishing you a Prosperous 2010

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